Experience as a Business Development Intern at LAS

By Karen Kalra
Business Development Intern

From fulfilling my dream of working for the public sector once in my lifetime to learning so many new things, this journey was all worth it! As a Business Development co-op, I have been able  to work with various departments, which introduced me to fields like Risk Management, Municipal and Cyber Insurance, and marketing programs. While in this hybrid environment, connecting virtually or in-person, there was always a sense of support and guidance provided to me with every  task.

My work mainly focused on strategizing for social media marketing, developing databases for municipal insurance or working on different projects related to municipal insurance. While I also had many of my first’s here, be it attending a Board meeting or presenting in one (Oh! that feeling), I always felt appreciated for my work. Being involved in various things throughout the organization allowed me to gasp different themes and gave me plethora of ideas and ways I could get involved in the future. Researching data or playing around the graphics for presentations was one of my favorite things to do. Taking the base material and then making it my own allowed me  to learn so much about myself and my creative side that was inside me that I never knew existed. While there was so much to learn and have fun with, I got the opportunity to develop and shape my career and myself as a person.

I hope whatever I touched on these past months make a difference for the organization. This role helped me challenge myself to enhance my capabilities and shoutout to the two amazing woman Shannon and Fern, who made my time so smooth and to AMO-LAS for this wonderful chapter to my life!

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