LAS Energy Planning Tool: Summer 2019 Upgrade
The LAS Energy Planning Tool (EPT) is a custom energy tracking and planning solution for Ontario’s public sector. Data input and planning functions allow users quick access to their utility database, energy projects, and 5-year energy conservation plans to help them comply with O.Reg. 507/18. The EPT is currently used by 170 public sector organizations in Ontario.

Designed and hosted by LAS, EPT is built from the ground up to meet the needs of Ontario’s public sector. Many improvements have come from user suggestions over the years. We are always on the lookout for ways to make sure EPT is a genuinely useful tool and we are committed to improvements as new opportunities emerge.
New for 2019, we’ll be giving the software a significant overhaul. A key upgrade is the addition of automatic data importation for organizations who use LAS commodity programs to purchase their natural gas and electricity. Consumption data will be imported on a monthly basis, to ensure your energy records are always up to date and ready for reporting. Staff will simply need to approve the imported data before it is assigned to the appropriate facility. This is a quick and simple process, and will help ensure the database remains accurate while saving you time – making it even easier to track your energy use.
When you’re ready to analyze your utility data, a click of the mouse will export it to a file ready for the RETScreen Expert Energy Management Software. We’re also improving the reporting functionality to make annual reports easier to read so you can easily update your reporting portal with the Ministry of Energy, Norther Development and Mines.
Watch for these changes along with an updated user manual in early summer 2019. And if you have changes you’d like to see for future versions, drop us a line and let us know.